Just back from Stratford after seeing the RSC's production of As You Like It. Brilliant. Minimal scenery means the audience can concentrate on the acting and the genius of Shakespeare.

We did a tour of Cotswold villages and I managed to find the Wickhamford Manor childhood home of James Lees Milne, whose diaries I've been reading.

Yesterday we had playtime with Oscar - who has now mastered the art of rolling over and chattering non-stop.

I've spent hours in the greenhouse and lots of money on compost, transplanting lettuces and baby geraniums. I've even been carrying them in and out of the sun. All to no avail. The geraniums are still the size of a pea and the lettuce leaves would just about feed a not-very-hungry snail.
The London son put our names down for tickets to see the recording of Mastermind in Manchester. Somehow we've managed to get six tickets for different recordings. I'm looking forward to it, and we get kit kats and tea in the interval! Unfortunately, we won't be able to wave to the cameras or wear colourful clothing so that when we watch the episode on TV we can spot ourselves - the dress attire is "dark". Mind you, I can't remember ever seeing a member of the Mastermind audience waving to a camera - I would have been happy to be the first.
We saw our son and his girlfriend on the second episode of "Tonight's The Night" with John Barrowman and I was even able to pause the video when they were in the spotlight. Am I sad?
Talking about sad. We passed Les Dennis in Liverpool the other day. He looked like a down-and-out, fat and miserable. What a shame. I felt like taking him for a coffee. We're going to see him in a Noel Coward play at the end of the month, I hope he's brightened up by then.