Deb's Digest
Debbie Atkinson’s family life column, as featured in the Southport Visiter.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009


I'm finding it difficult to get out of the institutionalised Christmas mode and have barely been over the doorstep for days and days. This is due in part to my main New Year resolution (not the one about keeping a diary - actually there's hardly anything worth recording at the moment since I seem to have made myself housebound) - which is to de-clutter. I hit upon this resolution on New Year's Eve when I was talking to a neighbour. She actually manages to get not one, but two cars in her garage, which is exactly the same size as ours. We've not had a single car in our garage since - well, I can't really remember. So the garage has to be decluttered, but it's a bit cold for that, so today it was my office and tomorrow it'll be the kitchen.

I rashly bought tickets off eBay to see The Killers at the MEN. I've since taken pity on my husband and relisted them on eBay - good move. I paid £100 and they're now up to £145 with 23 hours to go.

The London son went back to his old college with some pals, just before Christmas for a game of football. An action-packed picture has appeared on the internet (I just hope it's not someone's copyright)


Over Christmas the artist son managed to set up a timed photo of all of us when we were at Mum's


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year.

    I, too, have only been out when I need to, as the weather here is cold enough to freeze a brass monkey and I can always find something to do in the house.
