Deb's Digest
Debbie Atkinson’s family life column, as featured in the Southport Visiter.

Sunday, 28 August 2011


Bill Nighy and Michael Gambon - my top two favourite actors ever. I'd looked forward to last night's screenplay "Page Eight" ever since watching the trailer. WHAT AN ENORMOUS LET-DOWN. The script was like something from a junior school play. Michael Gambon just about carried it off  but then he was carried off - a third of the way through. I watched until the end in the hope that things must get better but they didn't. Not one believable character, a pathetic plot with no tension and Bill Nighy was absolutely wooden. It was the worst thing I'd watched in a very, very long time. I'll look out for the next thing written by David Hare and avoid it like the plague.

Why didn't he run from the script?

1 comment:

  1. Thought I would return the visitand just had to comment on this. I missed the beginning so switched over 10 minutes into it having read the blurb. The dialogue was just awful and I only lasted about 5 minutes before turning it off. Glad I did not persevere after what you have said.
