Deb's Digest
Debbie Atkinson’s family life column, as featured in the Southport Visiter.

Thursday, 6 August 2009



My husband reckons it was one of my less clever ideas - a blow up super dooper American-style red sports car in the reduced corner of TK Maxx cost me just £7. But then took three of us three day to inflate using a bike pump and our lungs. It looked great but on the fourth day it looked less great as it began to deflate - I know not why.  The London son spent a fiver on a foot pump and the job became a lot easier. Oscar certainly appreciates it and has even mastered the essential "brrrm brrrm" sound. 

He finds butterflies very amusing so he's got plenty to chuckle about - I've never seen so many - I counted 44 just on the buddleia.



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