Deb's Digest
Debbie Atkinson’s family life column, as featured in the Southport Visiter.

Friday, 20 April 2007

We all had the National winner - thanks to a silver birch being spotted behind the artist son's garage the day before the race!

The London son is home from Dubai and has been telling us about severe turbulance over Romania on the journey home - that would have finished me off. Before he went he'd applied for an Innocent Scholarship - the lovely company he works for gives away money every quarter to someone who wants to enrich their lives by doing something special. He's always loved orang utans and wants to see them in their native habitat. While he was away he heard he'd won the award - so that's his next holiday sorted.

We've just got back from a couple of days in York - I've never seen so many blossom trees.


We visited Fountains Abbey too.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blossom trees - thanks for sharing
