Deb's Digest
Debbie Atkinson’s family life column, as featured in the Southport Visiter.

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

We're busy searching for a new lounge suite. At least I'm searching, my husband is still convinced that we can have the old one re-covered. I think he's turning into a Liverpool footballer. First he wanted shocking pink leather in the dining room and now he says he'd quite like cream leather in the lounge - it'll be leopard skins on the floor next.

The London son seems to have survived all the activity on the Innocent blog and we're looking forward to seeing him at the weekend. His brother has been milking the blogging situation for all it's worth and finds the whole thing extremely amusing.

A couple of website visitors have asked me how the diet's going. I can report that I have lost six pounds this month - but what hard work it's been - much much harder than putting it on, and much less enjoyable. And my scales say that I am now 43.3% fat, which is more than before I lost the weight. Just another 22 lbs to go ..... hey, ho.

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