Deb's Digest
Debbie Atkinson’s family life column, as featured in the Southport Visiter.

Sunday, 11 March 2007

We've just had a couple of nights at the Black Swan in Helmsley - a smashing hotel with log fires and really beautiful bedrooms overlooking the market square and the castle. Only one problem this time - when we opened the door to our room we were thrown back by a blast of scalding air - phew! it was like a sauna. We flung the windows open and went for a look round the town. Whe we returned it was just the same. At 10pm we had to get someone from reception up to deal with it. At 1am we had to be given another room - talk about saving energy, Room 2 could contribute to global warming all on its own!

The usual queue was outside the Magpie in Whitby so we opted for the take-away version of fish and chips that AA Gill had awarded 5*s to - delicious. On the other side of the harbour we foolowed the smoky aroma and found the kipper smoke house. I wanted to buy some to bring home but my husband was having none of it - he claimed that the car would stink of kippers for ever more.


and then we went to Harrogate and saw a sea of crocuses (or should that be crocii?)

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