Deb's Digest
Debbie Atkinson’s family life column, as featured in the Southport Visiter.

Friday, 1 August 2008



Virginia Ironside

Well I never. I've just received a reply to my email to Virginia Ironside (see entry below). It reads:

Thanks so much for your kind email. What a strange coincidence about what
you're to be called as grannie! Just off to bed after long day with
grandson - all best, Virginia

I'd told her that just an hour before reading a part of her book where she talks about her son asking her what she wants to be called when her grandchild is born, I'd been asked the very same question by my son. Isn't it nice when people respond to emails.....


  1. How funny - I read the same book on holiday. I enjoyed it. What a good idea to email the author.

  2. I have just read Johnnie Walker's autobiography and having read this post on Monady decided to e-mail him. Within an hour I had received an automated response from the BBC. He gets too much mail to respond to it all personally.

  3. My husband is very well acquainted with Johnnie Walker - but possibly not the one you emailed!

  4. I am referring to the DJ not the whisky.

  5. I never wanted to be called "grannie" or "grandma" but the problem was solved for me. Many years ago when I was involved in microwave demonstrations my photo appeared in a paper and my name was printed as SNDRA not SANDRA,. Fom thereon my name was reduced to snud and now my 4 grand daughters call me Snuddy which I just love.
